Saturday, May 4, 2024

Freedom or Power

Freedom is something that is a given and it is with everyone by default. Everybody is free to do whatever he wants or eat whatever he wants and so on. Freedom is existent in every place on earth and is universal for every one, humans, animals included. 

Then why this so called struggle and effort for free speech and individual freedom? Well, it appears that it is not about freedom at all but about power. 

As an example. Just like you are free to say anything about anybody the other person is also free to react at your statement. We all know every action has a reaction. But unlike the Newton's third law, here, there reaction may be opposite but not necessarily equal. And this my friend is power. Power, which determines who will essentially have control. Power, which decides whose freedom is actually valued. 

Another example is in the animal kingdom. A deer is free to roam anywhere in the jungle, while a tiger is also free to hunt. Here freedom exists both the sides. What matters is power. The power of the freedom of hunting supersedes the power of roaming freely. Thus decides how the system in jungle would work. 

Let us see one more example. Freedom of speech may conflict with freedom of choice. Eg you may be a student in a college and have your free opinion about some events in the world. However, the college also has a freedom of choice to whether let you express your opinions on their premises or just knock it off. Here freedom is on both sides. What matters is power. Who has the power to call the shots? The college is the owner of the premises and can immediately exercise its freedom to evict you. So you see, freedom without the essential element of power, is feeble and frail. Much like a propeller without fuel. 

Many people feel that it is very convenient to label their desires of power and authority as a struggle for freedom. However, let us understand the aim and objective of such struggles? The aim is just one. Change in the way things work and change of principles. Shift of regime from one point to another. To summarize it is all about shift in the power equation and freedom is just like a very convenient label. It is like the icing on any kind of sponge cake. 

From the very inception of time it has always been power and not freedom that has shaped and structured the universe. Let us look at this from the universal perspective. Particles, atoms, electrons are all free in their respects. They are free to do whatever they want. But then power. Power and energy dominates the way how they will behave and become instrumental in shaping the different parts and components of this universe. It is all about power. Forces, energy, fields etc...all manifestations of power have created order amount these free elements to make meaningful aspects of the universe all around us. 

Thus, seeking power in some or the other ways is a basic nature of every living being in this universe. This is not only a basic behaviour of living being but also basic elements and building blocks like atoms. Seeking and gaining power. Since we are all made of the same building blocks we also behave in the same way. Yes, we have emotions and these emotions often masquerade this basic instinct of power seeking in different names like individualism, self determination, self love, self respect blah blah blah! However, ultimately it is about gaining comparatively more power to establish a position around us for ourselves. 

So ultimately......This is what it is all about.....


