Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Polyandry! An ancient Modern concept

 What is Polyandry? Is it practiced in India?

Picture showing Queen Draupadi
with the five Pandavas
Polyandry is a concept where we have one women living with multiple male partners in the same arrangement. The arrangement can be a marriage or it can also be a setup where official marriage is not done. Important thing is that each and every male partner is aware of the fact that there is another male counterpart involved in the relationship with the same female. Seems funny, immoral? Well! Not so. This has been practiced since the age of Mahabharata, one such example is Draupadi.

Todas from the Nilgiri Hills
The surprising thing is that Polyandry is practiced even today in India in many places and that too with a lot of amiability. There is mutual consent and there is a lot of respect for the women who are involved in the practice of polyandry in these places. Most importantly the women are not judged by the yardstick of the so called modern society that we live in, which believe me, is not so modern as it was in the ancient times.

The village of Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh is still practicing Polyandry, Todas are the tribes from Nilgiri hills who practice polyandry. Polyandry is also practiced in Kerala even today. Therefore, it is not an outdated concept and definitely not Immoral. Places in Uttarakhand (Jaunsar-Bawar) also have examples of practice of polyandry.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyandry_in_India#:~:text=Polyandry%20is%20in%20practice%20in,Kinnaur%20district%20of%20Himachal%20Pradesh.&text=There%20are%20many%20forms%20of,happens%20at%20a%20later%20date

My Take on Polyandry:

I was asked to write pieces on polyandry and initially I was very apprehensive. Being a writer in Urdu, I wanted to be really non-judgmental about writing the same. Therefore, I decided that I will write two different pieces on polyandry and they will be from different perspectives all together. One would be from the male perspective. A man who is a part of a polyamorous relationship and another will be from the point of view of woman who is the fulcrum of such a relationship.

Polyandry is an ancient concept with modern virtues

Polyandry in Urdu is called Kaser Shoree (कसेर शोरी ) and the female who is the fulcrum of this relationship is called Kaser Shoraa (कसेर शोरा ). Two of my poems are based on these two concepts. The language is simple with some words that you will need to have a look on deeply.

My message to you is not to be judgmental about anybody while reading such things. Such things are practiced and are as modern as any modern technology like 5G and Internet. Basically, as we will dig deep into our culture we will come to know that things that were actually asked to be banned were more free and more emancipating than the present system that involves a lot of control and prohibition.

Well let us explore these things in our stride then. 

My two Poems on Polyandry in Urdu Language: 

As I said before, I took up this challenge to write the poems based on this extremely complex concept from two points of views, from the male point of view and from the female point of view. So here are the two different poems for the same. 

कसेर शोरी (Male Perspective)

I have always though of exploring the idea of how it would be for a man to enter a polyandric relationship . While the whole society may be calling it immoral,  calling the girl names,  calling the men non-masculine and a lot of that.  But today let us isolate the society and understand how does it feel for a man who is in love with a woman already in love with another man.  When the woman accepts the fact that she is ready for a dual relationship,  what is the impact in his thought process and how he feels or rather should feel. 


Many people have been putting their stamps on Polygamy and how it was justified. If Polygamy was a necessity then why is Polyandry a sin? 

मोहब्बत ग़र हो मुकम्मल एक मंज़िल से

कोई बात नहींदोनो से मोहब्बत ले लो।

वजाहत ले लो उससेहमसे ज़हानत ले लो।


कसेर शोरीये हो रहा पहली बार नहीं।

हो सके तो दिल से अपने हिदायत ले लों।


दो फेफड़े अगर लगते हो ख़ातिर साँस लेने के

दो आशिक़ फिर कहाँ दोज़ख़ तुम्हें पहुँचाएंगे।

ग़र मानोगी अपने दिल के आज़ाद ख़याल

बहुत से दोज़ख़ इस जहां में बन जाएंगे।


आवारा ग़र मेरा दिल है मेरी हमनशीं

तो तेरी आवारगी कहाँ सज़ा की हक़दार है

दिल तो दिल हैआदम या ज़नाना।

ये बस धड़कनों का ही फरमाबरदार है।


मुझे मुसर्रत है और कोई  हैरत नहीं

कि तु मेरी तन्हा कोई  दिलरुबा नहीं

ग़म तो तब होता सनम मेरी जो कहती

कि तुझे किसी और से इश्क़ हुआ नहीं।


ये तेरा इश्क़ का एक कतरा मुझे महकाता है

मेरा प्यार कोई आज़ का मुरीद नहीं  सनम

मुझे रक़ीब के साथ भी जीना आता है।

बशर्ते इस रिश्ते में इज्ज़त की कमी हो

हमारा प्यार रहें यों ही बरकरार दिन दिनो

बनें रहें सारे मुख्फी असरार दिन दिनो

रफ्ता रफ्ता गिले शिकवे हो जाए तहलील

ज़माने को कर अंदेखा कोई मोहब्बत हो तवील।


मुझे किसी बात का कोई मलाल होगा

कि अग़र ये बात ज़माने को गवारा हो

कि मैं होकर आदम कितना भी बहकू

फिर ये गुनाह कहाँ ग़र तेरा दिल आवारा हो।

उस आवारा दिल से ही मुझे मोहब्बत है।

अपनी थोड़ी मोहब्बत दे कर मेरी मोहब्बत ले लो

वजाहत ले लो उससे  सनमहमसे ज़हानत ले लो।


------------ ZalZala

कसेर शोरा (Female Perspective)


ये दिल मेरा अपने तर्ज पर ही धड़कता है

तो क्या हुआ ग़र कुछ धड़कनों में तेरा नाम है

और कुछ पल लिए रक़ीब तेरे धड़कता है?

मोहब्बत का बटवारा मुझसे हुआ नहीं

ज़र्ब मोहब्बत को मैने कर लिया।

ज़माना कितना भी नामुमकिन कहे इसे

चाहत दोनो से कर लिया।


तुम्हारा हक़ है तुम अपनी राय बनालो

वो ही जो ये मुआश्रा मेरे लिये बनायेगा

कोई लावारिस जागीर मानिंद ये

मुझपर अपना हक जताएगा

हाँ, सच कहती हूं तुम भी गुट बनालो

हाँ, सच कहती हूं तुम खुद को बुझालो

पर वो जो प्यार के तुम शायद हकदार थे

अब उस प्यार को तुम गवा लो।


तुम मेरा प्यार हो, और शायद वो भी।

मेरे दिल के हिस्सेदार होऔर वो भी।

मैं दो दिलों कि मालकिन नहीं तो सही

तुम दिल के किरायेदार हो, और वो भी।

वक़्त को तकसीम करना मुझे आता है

हाँ वक़्त दोनो को देना मुझे आता है।

दोनो को हिज्र वस्ल का सुकून देती हूं।

बटी हुई मोहब्बत नहीं दे रही मैं तुमको

दोनो को मोहब्बत दो गुन देती हूं।


मैने इज्ज़त-अवज़ाई में कमी तो रखी है!

उलफत--शनासाई में कमी तो रखी है!

हाँजो ये रुसवाई हैवो कुछ आरज़ी है।

रहूं मैं सुकून से तुम दोनो के साथ, येही पर

ये ज़माने की नहींये मेरी मर्ज़ी है।

ये जो लोग उंगली हम पर बकसरत उठाते

ये कोई  ज़िंदगी जी रहे है दश्त नुमा सनम

ये कोई ज़मीन को खोद तो पाते है मगर

उस पर हम जैसे गुल नहीं  खिला पाते।


तभी मैं कहती हूं मेरे दिलबर, और दिल से

तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी में कोई दुसरा शक्स नहीं

तुम तो वो पहला प्यार हो, जो दोबारा किया है

जानती हो मैं कि वक़्त कम होता है यहां

पर मेरी क्या ख़ता जो सलीके से गुज़ारा किया है।

मुझे तुम दोनो से सुरगरूर होना आता है

ये भी कहना कि ज़िंदगी में मेरे दो सहारे है

कुछ ग़म उसको दिए मैनेऔर कुछ तुम्हारे है।


तवायफ़कसेर शोराजिन्सीये सब उनवान

जो ये बेमतलब दुनिया मुझे तजवीज़ करेगी

ये सब तोहमतमैं हस कर ले लुंगी, लिए तुम्हारे

क्योंकि आरज़ी वफा तो तवायफ़ भी निभाती है।

मोहब्बत का अहद तो वो भी कर जाती है।

और मैं!!!  मैने तो शिद्दत से मोहब्बत निभाई है

ये और बात है ये हमारा रिश्ता तसव्वुर से परे

दिल मेरा है कुछ मसनद मानिंदसनम

क्या ख़ता मेरी जो इसमें दो ख्वाबगाह है

एक उसके लिएतो एक तेरे लिए सजाई है।


------------ ZalZala


Kaser Shora is a Polyamorist.  There are various things that the society calls her and is a kind of unjust behavior because the same kind of banter is not meated out to a polygamist.  Polygamy, was termed as a social necessity in one time giving it an excuse to provide a proper system of protecting more women. 


Well today in the times of empowered women can't a women enjoy the same privileges by providing equal level of support and love to two weak men?  Why would we become the judge, jury and executioner in that case? Why would we become the law of love? 

And finally: 

The easiest job these days is to become an unwarranted judge and pass judgements left right and center to all of them. However, it is not so easy for a person who is actually on the receiving side. Society has been built by the concepts that have been a cumulative function of education and time. Therefore, to out rightly dismiss a particular concept calling it immoral and prurient is the worst thing that can happen. 

Anything that is ancient need not be outdated. That way even Sun and the Moon are ancient but then they are universal. 

So let us keep a broad outlook. 


ZalZala (Kalyan)


  1. I remain handicapped in not being able to decipher your poems. Fault lies within me due to my language shortcoming. I'm sure you have conveyed the spirit of freedom of gender and their choices in it. Monogamy and monogamous marriage are very recent cultural constructs in the history of mankind, may be a couple of thousand years only, which is a a tiny fragment of human existence. Polygamy is different from polyamory in the religious and social sanctions thereof, particularly in the Abrahamic faiths. It is to be noted that monogamous marriage was thrust upon us by the modern Western civilization, particularly since the time of Enlightenment. We as humans like most animals, are by nature polygamous. It's improper to expect any one individual to be perfect enough to fulfill the emotional, psychological and sexual requirements of his/her partner. Therefore, it's quite expected for relationships to engage and flourish to make up some of the deficiencies. As long as it does not threaten the status quo or imperil the offsprings, a broadened mind should be tolerant of it. But it is easier said than done. The primary difficulty arises from the innate concept of possession of the opposite partner, which causes generation of uncertainty, susceptibility and jealousy. Moreover, the strictures of our society casts deep critique of free-flowing relationships. Anybody who can overcome it will certainly emerge as a lot more happier person. Just a thought expressed by me.

    1. First of all I would like to thank you for taking this time to read the article. I can understand the incomprehension of the poems due to language however what you have captured actually is the crux of the matter. Please note here I am specifically talking Polyandry (One woman and many men). Ironically there are Abrahamic Faiths, that allow Polygamy however, do not allow Polyandry to exist in the same spirit. That however, is a different topic.

      My submission here, which is totally echoed by you is about making ancient traditions more banal and rustic by introducing western concepts. We had a very good and accommodating culture in the ancient times where there was more freedom. Sadly as the times have progressed the rules have become more rigid. Something like that of a cultural rigor mortis.

    2. I fully agree with you. What I feel after the industrial revolution took place there was massive migration of population from rural to urban set up. This created anarchy in the socioeconomic mileau. This possibly called for harnessing the population into mythic bonds which was otherwise alien to the people. Not only did monogamous relationship was propagated and deitified, but interestingly enough it gave rise to the birth of socialism and communism. I am going astray by broadening the field, but I thought it can be a food for thought.

  2. The Urdu Poems written by you, are extremely good, but at the same time, one must have a great deal of command over the Language. I being a student of Literature, however, have a lot of interest and appreciation for such write ups. They are indeed a Treasure! Regarding Polyandry, if I may with your permission, feel it is a practice somewhat like "a Live in relationship, where either Partners have the,,

    1. First of all I would like to thank you for taking interest in this topic. Yes it is a topic that raises some eyebrows. To talk about anything "Poly" has become a sort of taboo today and more so when you talk about Polyandry, you shake up a hornet's nest.

      When I say Polyandry, I am not talking about uncommitted relationships. I am talking about relationships where there is a great deal of commitment and responsibility involved. However, the only difference here is that one female is shared among many males.

      This commitment may be in the form of a marriage or a simple pact however, there is no hiding of one relationship from the other one.

      In a live-in relationship, it is mostly a no-strings attached relationship, however polyandry is not that. There is a sense of responsibility, which I believe is there also in Live-in but is not on that level.
